Shaktipat by Guruji Aacharya Kamlesh Sharma

Online live group sessions

1 to 1 coaching sessions

Start tapping into your true self and be who you were intended to be.
Connect with your inner power and set yourself free from any outer dependencies, which keep you from establishing your balance and enjoying your inner peace.

Do you feel truly free?

Are you free to decide for yourself?
Or are you like a chameleon adapting to please the people around you,
allowing them to create your lifes' circumstances for you?

Are you in charge of your emotions?
Or are your emotions in charge of your wellbeing,
with others able to influence how you feel,
causing you to struggle with the things that are happening to you?

Are you at peace with yourself?
Or are you blaming yourself, feeling guilt and shame?

Do you know who you are?
Or are you still questioning yourself?

Lets get started here.


Kundalini Awakening Courses

Experience the power of awakening your kundalini energy for yourself.

Empower yourself through getting in touch with yourself.
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Aligment of mind, body, soul & energy, followed by awakening session
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Aligment of mind, body, soul & energy, including awakening session
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3 years ago

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Being Inner Silence Organisation

Founded by Aacharya Kamlesh the Being Inner Silence Organization (BISO) as a non-profit organization is building an orphanage and sponsoring the education of girls who were forced to quit education.

Aadintah Kundalini Yoga Foundation

Also founded by Aacharya Kamlesh the foundation Aadiath Kundalini Yoga Foundation is working towards "Awakening the Treasure available within Kundalini", organizing individual and group sessions to guide towards Kundalini Awakening.

Blue Sea Consulting

Blue Sea Academy is powered by Blue Sea Consulting, the consulting company of Maria Berndorfer. Blue Sea is focusing on the empowerment of everybody willing to go beyond the common perceptions of mankind.